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pasteg.com - Terms of use

Welcome to the Pro-Audio Service Technician and Engineers Support Group (P.A.S.T.E.G.). This organization is strictly for pro-audio service technicians and electronics engineers who do this as a profession (no hobbyists, or enthusiasts please). Prior to accepting your request, you will be asked to provide a brief questionnaire of your qualifications and/or business. All registration information must be completed prior joining. It is understood that aside from acquiring valuable technical and business information, members are expected to contribute information and knowledge at reasonable times in order to help this organization succeed and grow; however, applicants feeling technically inadequate should not be intimidated from asking to become a member. PASTEG is a successful and powerful brotherhood with it's members actively participating in good-will towards one another. Please apply for membership by registering after reading this agreement. Allow 1-7 days for review and approval by it's Board members. Please read and understand the agreement below:

The "Pro-Audio Service Technician and Engineers Support Group" discussion forum/website hereby referred to as 'PASTEG' can monitor, censor, or edit the contents of Users' messages. Users alone are responsible for the contents of their own posts, and the consequences of any such posts. The President, its Board Members, Administrators, or Moderators of this organization do not assume any liability for content that is submitted by members or anyone else. Registrant agrees the owner and assistants of this website is indemnified from liability resulting from consequential and/or inconsequential damages.

PASTEG provides links or reference to other sites, but has no responsibility for the content of such other sites and shall not be liable for any damages, injury, consequential or inconsequential damages resulting from that content. Links to other sites may be posted as a convenience to the users of this website.

You may not use this organizations forum in any way whatsoever that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation. For example, you may not use this page to send, post, distribute or disseminate any defamatory, obscene, or otherwise unlawful messages, material, or information, including another person's proprietary information (including trademarks, trade secrets, or copyrighted information) without express authorization from the rights holder, except to identify the products or services of a business entity. The trademarks, service marks and trade names shown in this website are protected.

Additionally, you may not use this organization to send any messages or material that are harassing, offensive, racially offensive, discriminating, abusive, threatening, harmful, embarrassing, vulgar, cause distress, or otherwise objectionable.

Through professional courtesy, members may use this organization for research-oriented purposes and trade information vital to their business only, and will not use the resources for chain letters, junk mail, "spamming," or any ill use of distribution lists. Members further agree not to send or deliver viruses, Trojan horses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files. 

PASTEG is a private group, however; it is clearly conveyed to you that your privacy is at risk from becoming compromised should an effective security breach attack occur against this website; therefore, careful thought about privacy concerns should be deliberated prior to posting any content. It is this organizations forum policy to respect the privacy of its members, but the User acknowledges that this agreement does not create a guaranteed expectation of privacy in communication contexts between members. This organizations President will cooperate with law enforcement and other legal authorities in investigating claims of illegal activity.

In addition, members many not use or attempt to use another person's or entity's account, service or system without authorization from Board Administration, nor shall members interfere with the security of, or abuse this organization's forum/page, system resources or accounts, any network or affect other member's use of the organization.

The Administrators and Moderators of PASTEG reserve the right to stop and/or terminate membership of any member if we determine, in its sole discretion, that such member is violating any of the foregoing guidelines without explanation.

All content of this website is owned, controlled and/or licensed by PASTEG and is protected by copyright laws. Please note that the products, technology, coding, processes, graphics, methodology used in this site may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by PASTEG; its affiliates, partners; charter operators, or other third parties. No license is granted with respect to those intellectual property rights. PASTEG may make changes to any information in its website, or to the services described therein, at any time without notice.

If you would like to join and you think you qualify click Register then scroll down and click I agree to these terms and complete the registration form.